Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009
Tips aGar tUBuh teTap bErsih dAn Sehat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DisamPing rajin mandi, ganti baju setiap hari.jangan memakai baju selama dua hari berturut-turut, bisa menyebabkan jamur.
konsUmsi makanan bergizi seimbang biar badan tetap fit dan kulit pun sehat.
Banyakin minum Air Putih kaRena Air puTih bisa jadi pelembab alami untuk kulit Qt.
Olahraga teratur agar badan tetap segar,
8 Cara muJaRab mEngendALikan maRah,
1. Merenungkan kembali sebab musababnya. Bersabar dan santun. bersabar akan memunculkan keinginan untuk mendapatkan pahala.
2. Ingatkan selalu dalam dirimu, bahwa kekuasaan Allah atas diri kita itu lebih besar. bila sobat melampiaskan dendam amarah kpd orang lain, niscaya Allah akan murka kpd Qt.
3. Ingat deh, bahwa akibat kemarahan itu berbuntut panjang.
4. Cepat berkaca betapa buruknya wajah Qt saat marah.
5. Menahan amarah karena Allah.
6. Cepat-cepat beristighfar.
7. Segera membaringkan tubuh.
8. Mengambil air wudhu, menyegarkan shalat.
3. Ingat deh, bahwa akibat kemarahan itu berbuntut panjang.
4. Cepat berkaca betapa buruknya wajah Qt saat marah.
5. Menahan amarah karena Allah.
6. Cepat-cepat beristighfar.
7. Segera membaringkan tubuh.
8. Mengambil air wudhu, menyegarkan shalat.
Selasa, 03 Februari 2009
Income Statement
Income Statement
1. Definitions Of Income Statement
Income statement is report compiled in systematic about income obtained and expense happened in company business activity during specified period. income statement contains information about source of such the income is obtained and expense what becoming company business activity in the period.
2. Income a company can be classified 2 factions that is:
a. Operating Income.
that is from main activity is done by company.
b. Non operating Income
That is from main activity having the character of peripheral or the happening at any times.
The expense what becoming company responsibility can be classified 2 factions, that is :
a. Operating Expense
Expense which in direct corelation to company business activity.
b. Non operating expense
In the expense cannot be classified into operating expense. For example : Interest Expense, Loss from equipment sale of Office which cannot be utilized again.
3. Income statement Form
a. Form of single step
b. Form of multiple step.
1. Definitions Of Income Statement
Income statement is report compiled in systematic about income obtained and expense happened in company business activity during specified period. income statement contains information about source of such the income is obtained and expense what becoming company business activity in the period.
2. Income a company can be classified 2 factions that is:
a. Operating Income.
that is from main activity is done by company.
b. Non operating Income
That is from main activity having the character of peripheral or the happening at any times.
The expense what becoming company responsibility can be classified 2 factions, that is :
a. Operating Expense
Expense which in direct corelation to company business activity.
b. Non operating expense
In the expense cannot be classified into operating expense. For example : Interest Expense, Loss from equipment sale of Office which cannot be utilized again.
3. Income statement Form
a. Form of single step
b. Form of multiple step.
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